Welcome to Church of the Epiphany!

We are glad you are here. Whether you are on the website or on our physical site, there is a place for you because “All are Welcome Here!”

You can watch our Sunday Services on our YouTube Channel.

During the summer months between Memorial Day (5/26/2024) and Labor Day (9/1/2024) our services begin at 9:oo AM so we can enjoy the great Minnesota summers. Our services begin at 10:00 AM during the program year.

No matter where you are at spiritually or physically, we invite you to join us. The church is the people and not the building and we believe that the gospel not only reconciles us to God but also to his people. Love for God and love for his people, and that relationship with God includes meaningful relationships with his people.


February 2 | Migration with Dignity at 10 AM

The Episcopal Church calls on congregations to focus their efforts on protection and justice for persons who have migrated to the United States seeking safety and freedom. They are asking everyone to stand up for Gospel values and oppose and prepare for the incoming administration’s planned mass deportations. These deportations could have potentially devastating impacts on immigrant families and communities, including increased racial profiling, workplace and neighborhood raids, family separations, and the detention of vulnerable populations. They recommend creating or joining rapid response networks, advocating for immigrant rights, and contributing to legal aid organizations to address these concerns. Additionally, they invite Episcopal communities to participate in “Migration with Dignity Action Week” during the season of Epiphany, starting January 20, 2025, culminating in “Migration with Dignity Sunday.” Epiphany has chosen February 2, 2025. The Rev. Julie Luna will be a guest preacher this Sunday.

February 9 | Youth Sunday at 10 AM

Join us for a special Youth-Led Worship Service, where our young people will lead the congregation in readings, prayers, and worship! This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the gifts and voices of our youth as they share the message of God’s love in their own unique way.

🌟 Gospel Focus: Our service will center on the story of Jesus calling his first disciples, as told in The Message translation (Luke 5:1–11).“Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.”

Please be sure to sign up for our emails/announcements by emailing adminepiphany@msn.com or calling or texting the church at (763) 559-3144.

Worship with us!

We have IN-PERSON worship as well as the opportunity to join us online. Along with joining us on Sunday’s, we have several opportunities for you to worship with us. Monday through Friday we have Morning Prayer at 7:30 AM. Both of these daily options are on Zoom. An additional weekday worship is available at the North Ridge Care facility located at 5500 Boone Ave N on the 4th Floor in the common area.

Previously recorded services can be found on our YouTube Channel under the Live tab.

Please send us an email and we will get you connected with these spiritual opportunities.